MiriQ Connect
The smart charger compatible with Apple and Android: MiriQ Connect. This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v4.4 - https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ / Yoast SEO plugin. [if lt IE 9]> <link rel='stylesheet' id='topbiz-ie-css' href='http://morisberacha.com/wp-content/themes/topbiz/framework-customizations/Assets/css/ie.css?ver=20141010' type='text/css' media='all' /> <![endif][if lt IE 8]> <link rel='stylesheet' id='topbiz-ie7-css' href='http://morisberacha.com/wp-content/themes/topbiz/framework-customizations/Assets/css/ie7.css?ver=20141010' type='text/css' media='all' /> <![endif][if lt IE 9]> <![endif] Generated by Simple CSS - https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-css/
The firm MiriQ has just launched its premium product worldwide called Connect, a smart charger which brings together attributes never seen before in a single accessory. Slim, faster, wireless, with a sound amplifier and compatible with Android and Apple, this accessory can be labeled as unique in the market.
The idea, which came from a small Think Thank, is an inspiration for the new way of doing business in the world of technology, through the financial muscle offered by investment through private equity.
Connect emerged from an idea of ​​Israeli musician and creative Solo Avital, who realized that it was necessary to find a way to simplify the amount of accessories that are required in the world of mobile phone users. For Solo, it was fundamental -for example- to create a charger compatible with Android or an iPhone.
But to make this project possible, Solo knocked on several doors in order to get the seed capital that could help him develop the product and several months later he met private equity expert Moris Beracha.
Moris Beracha, founder of MiriQ, became the strategy director to launch this item and jointly with Solo implemented a plan that included the improvement in design, manufacturing costs and sales strategy.
This team was joined by Alain Biblowitz and Eddy Silvera, who were always aware that the project must be launched to avoid that a brilliant idea ended up becoming a failure.
Moris Beracha always insisted that it was necessary to first have clear which idea would be developed and what scope that innovation could have. Knowing the market contributed to the success of the manufacture of this accessory. It was known that cell phone users have new needs every day concerning the innovations rapidly developed by technology.
With an important investment and the required shareholding, the development costs of Connect were financed. The idea was to create value for the product to ensure the maximization of share value, as well as the value of the shareholders who decided to bet on this idea. In the end, MiriQ has surpassed its expectations and with Connect it takes a step forward in the innovation of cell phone accessories.
Connect means the end of heavy, slow and large-sized chargers. This original design accessory fits the lifestyle of young people and adults seeking versatility, no wires, simplicity and speed.
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